Testing and Administration
Testing and Administration
Welcome to the Squadrons Testing and Administration page.
This page along with the sub-pages that you can find when hovering your mouse over the heading of this page, will enable you to be successful when advancing your education and training.
Cadets, here is a link to the CADET SUPER CHART. This Chart outlines everything that you need to complete in order of you to be eligible to earn a CAP Cadet Rank.
Online Testing:
To advance in the Cadet Program and become eligible for promotions, Cadets complete online achievement tests. These tests have 25 questions per test, selected at random from a question bank, and all questions are multiple-choice/open book. You get 30 minutes to complete the test and you must earn and 80% on the test in order to pass. In case of failure, Cadets must wait 7 days to retest.
Test Integrity: An honor statement will buttress the integrity of the testing program in an open-book environment. Before beginning an online test, cadets must agree to the following:
I certify that I am Cadet (Name). I will complete the following Cadet Achievement Test on my own, without help from another person. My only resource for this open-book test will be my cadet textbooks and class notes. [By clicking below,] I reaffirm my commitment to our Core Value of Integrity.
Drill Tests:
Achievements 1 through 8 of the Cadet Programs require Cadets to complete Drill and Ceremonies performance tests, using CAPP 60-34.
Cadet Interactive:
Cadet Interactive is a new (as of October 2021) way for Cadets to work through the Leadership and Aerospace Dimensions texts. Cadet Interactive allows Cadets an alternate way to meet promotional requirements or a new way for Cadets to study for upcoming Milestone Test. These online modules present the textbook material in a new way that allows cadets to listen to narration, flip cards, click hot spots, and more, encouraging engagement and learning. The New Cadet Guide, Learn to Lead chapters 1 through 11, and Aerospace Dimension modules 1 through 7 are available for Cadet through Cadet Interactive.
For more information about the program, here is a link to the National website that explains CADET INTERACTIVE through a video and Frequently Asked Questions.
Milestone Tests:
For Cadets wishing to take a Milestone test, you (or your chain of command) must contact the Squadron’s Testing Officer or Assistant Testing Officer (see Squadron Staff page for current listings) at least 48 hour before a Squadron Meeting starts. If you do not, then you will be ineligible to take a Milestone test for that meeting. If you contacted and heard back from the Testing Officer that you can take your Milestone test, you will start your test between 1830 and 1930. Cadets will be allowed 60 minutes to complete their test (Wright Brothers test is untimed) and must achieve an 80% score to pass. In case of failure, Cadets must wait 7 days to retest.
Please note, Cadets will only be allowed to take one milestone test per meeting. Please plan your test request accordingly.
Test Banking:
Cadets are now allowed to bank academic tests, per CAPR 60-1, Section, "Cadets may complete academic tasks for their next achievement and, if a milestone award does not intervene, the one after that." This means that if Cadets know they are heading into their busy time of the year with sports, school, other extracurriculars, they can and are encouraged to work ahead so that they do not miss out on an opportunity to promote.